Perspective. Service. Giving. Sharing God’s love.
Dr. Green’s look back on our time serving in Belize:
As our time in Belize winds down we enjoyed a fun day including a few hours at Rio Blanco National Park with a beautiful waterfall. Some of our team jumped off the 20 foot cliff into the cold waters below the waterfall. A walk and lunch were shared together. We dined together at a local restaurant, which allowed a beautiful view of the Caribbean ocean in Dandriga.
Perspective. Service. Giving. Sharing God’s love. Fellowship. Laughter. Renewal. Gratitude. Blessed. Discipleship. Community.

The CVA team
On this journey in Belize where we went to be of service as it often happens, the servant is often the most blessed. As we wrapped up our last evening and enjoyed the fellowship of one another we reflected upon some of our thoughts and favorite moments of the week. Stories were shared of patients with big smiles when they put on a pair of glasses. We heard stories of patients that shared expressions of gratitude and excitement that they would now have ability to read their Bible. We received hugs from happy children, we saw Belizean people on the streets now donning their new sunglasses to prevent eye conditions and diseases. These were some of our stories of success that warmed our hearts.
We reflected on and rejoiced at the efforts to make this week a reality. There was an inordinate amount of coordination and numerous logistical steps to set this clinic in motion. We thanked Rich and Molly for all the planning and attention to detail The collaboration of Keller UMC, Keller Lions Club, Colleyville Vision Associates, Tulsa Doctor/Daughter-Dad team, and Don and Derry from NJ were able to combine our skills to serve the needs of many by providing vision care to a community in need. We were of a team of young adults to “seasoned” adults, some with optical experience, others with a desire to serve.
Pastor Molly spoke of the journey down dusty roads we had taken this week much like roads that the disciples had taken and a reminder of how they broke bread together in remembrance of

Dr. Green doing an exam
Christ whom loved us so much. As we broke bread together and shared communion (with some local chaos around the Jungle Hut) I was standing in a circle of so many new friends with now a common purpose. As we offered communion to each other and I looked in the faces of those that I had served with all week at that moment, my vision became clear…I had taken that step out of my comfort zone, from my air conditioned Colleyville optometric practice with all my automated equipment to share with others my love and skills by providing vision correction in a very simplistic manner. In the midst of all this, I enjoyed so much laughter, fellowship and community with our team and our patients, that I have been blessed and renewed! I am thankful and grateful for the opportunity to offer back the gifts I have been so graciously given.
Carolyn Helbert-Green, O.D.