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Colleyville Vision Associates offers the opportunity for a graduating high school senior or an undergraduate entering another semester to apply for the chance at the Colleyville Vision Associates Scholarship. Applicants must be a patient of the practice, respond to an essay prompt, and provide proof of graduation and college acceptance. Essays are scored by a panel of unbiased judges.


Manasa S.: Recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2020!

Manasa will be attending University of Texas and majoring in Biomedical Engineering!

Arjun M.: Recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2019!

Arjun will be attending University of Texas Dallas and majoring in Neuroscience with hopes to attend Medical School!


Carson S.: Recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2018! 

Carson will be attending Texas A&M this fall majoring in Mechanical Engineering.


Elizabeth K.: Recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2017!

Elizabeth will be attending Embry Riddle Aeronautical University this fall and majoring in Cyber Security. 

Nik H.: The recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2016!

Nik will be attending Oklahoma State University this fall and majoring in Construction Management Engineering.

Jared B.: The recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2015!

Jared will be attending Abilene Christian University this fall and majoring in Engineering and Mathematics. 

Emily M.: The recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2014!

Emily is now attending the University of Pennsylvania and majoring in Psychology and Business

Jessica M.: The recipient of the CVA Scholarship 2013!

Jessica is now attending Stanford University and  majoring in Chemistry